Mediumship Training

Understanding and enhancing your natural ability!

This Mediumship Training is meant to help you understand and enhance your natural ability to communicate with spirits, energies, and/or passed loved ones. Mediumship is often thought of as a "special ability" when in fact we all have intuition! Mediumship is spirit communication using heightened intuition. During this training, you and I will complete 4 practice exercises designed to awaken, and over time, enhance your intuition. You will begin to experience how these moments and messages feel when they come through to you!

1:1 Mediumship Training

This one hour training session is virtual (conducted over Zoom) and completely private. We will practice channeling and spirit communication using 4 different exercises. It is important to cleanse your practicing/reading area and yourself before conducting Mediumship Readings. This requires having a few material ready before your training appointment.

Cleansing Herb such as White Sage, Palo Santo, or Rosemary


White Candle (optional)

Black Candle (optional)

Protective or Intuition enhancing crystals (optional)