
About the Readers!

We are Crescent City Tarot! Expand our bios below to learn more!

  • Founder/Reader/Teacher

    Tarot is an amazing advice source for your current path in life. Through Crescent City Tarot, I hope to incorporate my knowledge of tarot in helping others. I learned Rider-Waite style tarot cards in 1999. I read and advise through both the traditional card meanings, and my own personal experience. I’m Felicia and I hope we can talk soon!

  • Reader

    Capricorn, Capricorn, Scorpio, Life Path 9

    Light-worker, Empath, Intuitive Reader, Reiki II Healer, Intention Magick Candle maker, Outdoor Lover

    I’ve always been a creative individual. Having said that, I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Interior Design. But my soul always longed for more depth, growth, wisdom and authenticity. I’ve always believed that perspective is everything and we have the ability to shape-shift our reality. We can be in uncomfortable or unpleasant situations but we have the ability to see things differently and turn these moments into an adventure. It’s all about the journey, not the destination. The healing journey isn’t easy, nor is it linear. Sometimes it may seem as we are going backwards, but we have to go through the peaks and valleys to reach the top of the mountain. The key is to enjoy the ride while healing and growing.

    If I’m not reading tarot cards, I’m out in the woods grounding myself. This is also where I connect to my higher self. Nature is a magical place for me, it is where I go hiking to reflect on what is going on with me internally. When my spiritual awakening began in 2017, I would go on these hikes and discovered my gifts and started connecting with my spiritual team, which lead to my soul purpose to serve others. I also understand the twin flame journey, in which I have surrendered to and accepted. I am now happy and at peace and want to share what I have learned with you. I have been reading tarot since 2018 for myself and gradually for others. I might not tell you what you 'want' to hear, but I will tell you what you 'need to hear so that you can find the courage to look within and find the answers you need. My goal is to help you look within yourself to help you find your way back to: empowerment, authenticity and trust in your own intuition.